Wednesday 20 January 2016

New year New Me?

Hola! Assalamualaikum and goodday~!

It's been a while since I updated something or anything, here. Life has been extremely busy and I was trying my best to survive in style - which is to get everything done efficiently.

As of this year i have decided to change a few things on the way I handle things.
1. I become more organized - I feel like there's an urgent need to document what i do appropriately
    not because someone wants to view it but I feel that it would something help me pave the way to
    achieve what I intend to achieve easily as compared to doing whatever that comes to mind.

2. I decided to deactivate my Facebook account (again!yes again) - because I feel that it's taking a lot
    of my time away from what I am supposed to do. I mean, yes It's always fun to scroll and read all       the newsfeeds which appear on the screen but it's definitely not work efficient, especially when           you're already super bz at your workplace and you have to active kids who crave for your attention     and the fact that you're wasting your time by reading some silly news on FB instead of teaching
    them valuable lessons in life is just unacceptable.

3. I have been early to my workplace starting this year - yes. I did it. It's unbelievable but it sure made
    me feel a lot better.

4. Too much anger will kill you - i hope i won't take it to my heart this year. I want this year to be as
    professional as possible. I introduce rules and we implement rules. That's all, no hard feeling. It's
    pure professionalism.

I think that's all for now. I'm too tired to write more. See you soon, insyaAllah.